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Take in the sun for as long as it does you good. At last you can read that book you had been looking forward to all year. Joyful children’s laughter. You can linger over the view of the peaks of the Karavankas mountains. Dive into the deep blue of the Wörthersee lake.

The lake beckons

This is where lush green meets turquoise blue, where pleasure complements lifestyle. Crystal clear, sparkling clean – total purity. Bathing in drinking water. Here you can sense the well-known Riviera feeling that makes the Wörthersee such a unique summer hotspot. This is where you can simply turn off.

And when you stick your big toe in the water you know why the Wörthersee is known as the bathtub of Carinthia. We say just 27 degrees. That’s how warm the Wörthersee is at the height of summer. It’s due to the many sunny days. Carinthia is, after all, Austria’s southernmost state.

Yes! This is the agreeable lightness of being – made possible through our own bathing access to the lake, right next to our boutique hotel.

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